In the book Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick the main character Steven, an average student in middle school who loves to play the drums. He was never that popular and he didn't have many friends. He thought his life couldn't have been worse until he found out his little brother, Jeffrey was diagnosed with leukemia. In the adventures of Stevens life he become more mature and less self-centered.
Something that showed Steven has matured is when he shaved his head so Jeffrey wasn't the only one bald. This showed his maturity because he didn't think about what people would say about him being bald. He wasn't being self-centered the only thing that really mattered was that he was doing this for Jeffrey. He didn't shave his head with hesitation he shaved his head with dignity.
Another way Steven shows his maturity was when he started to do his homework again. Steven has stopped doing his homework when he started to get depressed about Jeffrey's sickness. At first he was kind of being self-centered because he thought his life was miserable when his little brother was in a hospital with a huge needle in his back. Steven was being a horrible brother when he didn't do his homework it showed that he wasn't taking Jeffrey's sickness well and he thought he didn't need counseling. He had no one to talk to which made him more and more depressed and he started not to do homework and failing classes. When Steven started to do his homework again it showed that he wasn't living his dreams where Jeffry didn't have cancer and he started to take the fact that Jeffry needs him as an older brother do help him get better.
Steven became a better brother as he got more mature. He started to go with Jeffrey to the hospital and he was always there for him. He wasn't self-centered anymore and he became more optimistic and believed Jeffrey can become healthy again.